Motherhood Works

These works were all made from 2017-2018 with the help of a grant from the Alberta Foundation for the Arts. In this body of work, I explore the ambivalence of the artist-mother; the suppression of her identity and desire; and the complexity of her relationship to her children, caretaking role, and dominant cultural narratives around feminine identities.

Bodies Birthing Bodies

Sometimes I wanted to strip away all the cultural connotations with Motherhood. These gouache paintings range in size from 12 x 9 to 14 x 11”. A series of 10 of these works was purchased for the Alberta Foundation for the Arts collection.


The original monoprints are about 9 x 7”, like pages from a journal. Works from this series are available for sale as a limited edition print. Please find my contact information at the bottom of the page.

Watercolour Portraits

Dreamy, moody and intospective little babies. These watercolours are small, about 12 x 9” max. They have been mounted to a cradle board and varnished, so they pop out of the wall a couple inches instead of being locked behind a glass frame.